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Lecture Tonight

Danielle Pafunda Lecture: “Stunt Doubles, Companion Species, and the Lyric” Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 5:30 p.m. Music Center Concert Hall, 1014 South Michigan Avenue DANIELLE PAFUNDA is the author of two poetry collections, My Zorba (forthcoming from Bloof Books in 2008) and Pretty Young Thing (Soft Skull Press, 2005), and the forthcoming chapbook A Primer for Cyborgs: The Corpse (Whole Coconut). She has been anthologized in the 2004, 2006, and 2007 editions of Best American Poetry, as well as in Not For Mothers Only: Contemporary Poets on Child-getting and Child-rearing (Fence Books, 2007) and Women Poets on Mentorship: Efforts and Affections (University of Iowa, 2008). Poetry, reviews, and essays appear in such publications as Action Yes, Conjunctions, TriQuarterly, and The Georgia Review. Danielle received a BA from Bard College, MFA in Poetry from New School University, and is currently a doctoral candidate in the University of Georgia Creative Writing Program. She is co-editor of the longstanding online literary journal La Petite Zine, and a contributing curator at the new Delirious Hem. Her teaching and scholarly interests include 20th century American poetry, experimental poetry, gender theory, cultural and biocultural studies.


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