Daniela reads tomorrow! + Aurora Planned Parenthood
Everyone's favorite editorial assistant / intern coordinator, Daniela Olszewka reads tomorrow at Manhattan's as part of the "Elbowing Off the Stage" reading series: ELBOWING OFF THE STAGE: A COMMUNITY READING SERIES featuring poetry by Daniela Olszewska, Ivan Ramos, Rey Escobar, and Jesse Crouse Monday, September 24 7:00 P.M. Manhattan's Bar 415 S Dearborn St(312) 957-0460 near the corner of Congress and Dearborn Thank you to everyone who participated in and supported the last reading. It was a tremendous success! Continue to spread the word--readers of all genres & drinkers of all libations are welcome. (This one may include some surprise fiction writers!) Feel free to contact Nicole Wilson with inquires, reading interest, or statements of inspiration at starnkw@hotmail.com. Be there or be elbowless. Also, in case you're not aware of the situation in Aurora, check this out. If you'd like to take action (as I have), visit Daniela's blog for details.