Congrats to the 2013 Gatewood Prize Winner!

Switchback Books is thrilled announce the winner of our 2013 Gatewood Prize, chosen by our judge Eileen Myles: Other People's Comfort Keeps Me Up At Night by Morgan Parker Morgan Parker received her BA from Columbia University and her MFA in poetry from NYU. Her work has been featured in Painted Bride Quarterly, PANK, ILK Journal, Phantom Limb, and the anthology Why I Am Not A Painter, published by Argos Books. Additional poems from her first manuscript, Other People’s Comfort Keeps Me Up At Night, are forthcoming from Coconut Poetry, Handsome Journal, Vinyl Poetry, and NOO Journal. She has appeared at KGB Bar’s Emerging Writers Reading Series, the Metro Rhythm Reading Series, EARSHOT, the Brooklyn Ladies Text-based Salon, and elsewhere. A Cave Canem fellow, she lives in Brooklyn with her dog Braeburn. Learn more about Morgan at Congratulations, Morgan! Welcome to the Switchback Family! Thanks to everyone who submitted manuscripts to our contest. We are continuously thrilled by the high-quality material we get year after year. Congratulations also to our finalists and semifinalists, chosen by our editors: FINALISTS Anyjar by Jaimie Gusman A Game of Correspondence by Valeri Witte there are boxes and there is wanting by Tessa Micaela Landreau-Grasmuck Surge by Opal McCarthy The Lost Summer by Lisa Tallin Dear Dear Advancer by Crystal Curry (guns & butter) + (cocktails) by Montana Ray Shiva, Again and Again by Vidhu Aggarwal If You Love Error So Love Zero by Stephanie Anderson SEMIFINALISTS Clarkston Street Polaroids by Stephanie Schlaifer what the colorist stole from the sky by Jennifer Arcuni Her 37th Year, An Index by Suzanne Scanlon THE SCOUT OF SLEEP by Brenna Lee Nu Paltz (a guide) by Jenn Marie Nunes