Friday Switchlinks

Our own Marisa Crawford, author of The Haunted House, has a new book out from Immaculate Disciples Press, entitled 8th Grade Hippie Chic.
The seventh and final installment of the Women Publishers Roundtable from Delirious Hem (featuring editors from Switchback Books, dancing girl press, Birds of Lace, Patasola, Sundress, & Noctuary Press).
"My So-Called 'Post-Feminist' Life in Arts and Letters," in which author and photographer Deborah Copaken Kogan tells it like it still is.
An interview with poets Lisa Russ Spaar, Aracelis Girmay, and Daisy Fried at Boston Review.
A tribute to the recently departed Mariam K. Chamberlain, the godmother of academic feminism.
Laura Hudson explains the importance of self-identifying as a feminist.
Jos Truitt on how women's colleges fail in their mission by not admitting trans women.
Queer theory as cabaret in NYC.