New: Mónica de la Torre's FOUR

Switchback Books is pleased to present FOUR by Mónica de la Torre.
Switchback's latest title debuted on March 1 at the AWP Conference and now it can be yours. FOUR’s cover price is $25, but we’re offering those who weren’t able to nab this gem at AWP a chance to get a copy for $20. To take advantage of this debut sale, order using the link below by midnight on Sunday, March 18.
Synopsis Characterized by its rejection of experiential and narrative linearity, Mónica de la Torre's FOUR exposes and deconstructs the scaffolding of time. De la Torre posits "all writing is prediction," and the reader is privy to the evolution of the speaker's discourse as her predictions are both fulfilled and disappointed, necessitating amendment and revision. FOUR reads like a daydream transcribed, full of meditations on the weather, photographs, strangers on the subway, and the power of language to document, anticipate, and break down the barriers of time. When de la Torre writes that "we strive to tolerate being strictly in the moment," readers cannot help but nod in agreement.
About FOUR FOUR is composed of four individually titled booklets: Lines to Undo Linearity, Shift, Mariposa Negra, and Photos While U Wait. The booklets, printed on Risograph in blue, green, orange, and black, are separately bound and bundled together in a wrap-around paper band, which displays the title. FOUR is printed in a limited edition run of 500 copies. The first fifty copies are signed by the author.

About the Author Mónica de la Torre’s books include two poetry collections in English, Talk Shows (Switchback, 2007) and Public Domain (Roof Books, 2008), and two others in Spanish, Acúfenos (Taller Ditoria, 2006) and Sociedad Anónima (UNAM/Bonobos, 2010). Her most recent book project is Taller de Mecanografía, written collectively with the late Aura Estrada, poet Gabriela Jauregui, and artist Laureana Toledo and published in 2011 by Tumbona Ediciones in Mexico City. She lives in Brooklyn and is senior editor at BOMB Magazine.