Elbowing Off the Stage's Transformation: Good Evening Reading Series at 123 Collective
G O O D E V E N I N G Poetry Reading & Open Mic Starring: Jacob Mays, Dolly Lemke & Aaron Flanagan Friday, April 2 @ 7:00p.m. P O S T 1816 S Racine, in Pilsen Open Mic to follow! *From Roosevelt Red Line take 18th Street Bus (18) to Racine *From Pink Line (54th/Cermak) arrive 18th Street Pink Line: Walk East (Left) from station to Racine *From Halsted St take Halsted Bus (8) to 18th street, Walk West to Racine * POST on the mailbox * Good Evening Open Mic readers and Featured Poets will bring work by their favorite poets, and work of their own to share in a reading which defies the focus of the individual and turns it towards the enjoyment and appreciation of the audience. Open Mic poets get to read 3 poems, or for 3 minutes. Features will read for 7-9 minutes. The atmosphere is meant to be a lucid, eclectic, and free exchange of ideas and positive intellect which encourages pleasure and enjoyment over the awkward and pedantic, for fun and love of language. We sincerely hope you will come read and spend this fabulous inaugural evening with us. Guests 21+ are encouraged to BYOB (limited amounts of beer will be available on this inaugural night for guests 21 and older). J A C O B M A Y S, from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, is a junior in the BFA Poetry Program at Columbia College Chicago. D O L L Y L E M K E is a second year candidate in the MFA Poetry Program at Columbia College Chicago where she teaches freshman composition, works as a Student Advocate. She also works as the Publicity Coordinator for the small local feminist press, Switchback Books. Joe Bly describes A A R O N F L A N A G A N as “a cool dude who likes High Life and Netflix according to his wall posts...he def loves soccer (football).” The 123 Collective--founded by Nicole Wilson, Joe Bly, and Kelly Forsythe--was created to become a center for regular events, exhibits, film screenings, and reading series; our newest series, Good Evening, will occur once a month and pull from a list of volunteer and solicited readers. The hope is to open a space that fosters the wonderful community of writers and artists this city contains. Feel free to contact us with questions, suggestions, or reading interest at 123Collective[at]gmail[dot]com. To be removed from the contact list, send an email with "Remove" in the subject line.