Patty Seyburn Reading Wednesday, March 17

Switchback Advisory Board Member Patty Seyburn will be reading poetry this Wednesday with Edward Hirsch in LA... RUSKIN READING EVENT!!! Award Winning Poets Edward Hirsch & Patty Seyburn Wednesday March 17, 7:30 PM Patty Seyburn¹s third book of poems, Hilarity, won the Green Rose Prize given by New Issues Press (Western Michigan University) and will be published in 2009. She has published two books of poems: Mechanical Cluster (Ohio State University Press, 2002) and Diasporadic (Helicon Nine Editions, 1998) which won the 1997 Marianne Moore Poetry Prize and the American Library Association¹s Notable Book Award for 2000. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals including The Paris Review, New England Review, Field, Slate, Crazyhorse, Cutbank, Quarterly West, Bellingham Review, Connecticut Review, Cimarron Review, Third Coast and Western Humanities Review. Seyburn grew up in Detroit, earned a BS and an MS in Journalism from Northwestern University, an MFA in Poetry from University of California, Irvine, and a Ph.D. in Poetry and Literature from the University of Houston. She is an Assistant Professor at California State University, Long Beach and co-editor of POOL: A Journal of Poetry, based in Los Angeles. She lives with her husband, Eric Little, and their two children, Sydney (7) and Will (5). Edward Hirsch is a poet, a teacher, a literary critic, and a tireless advocate for poetry. He has received numerous awards and fellowships, including a MacArthur Fellowship, a Guggenheim Fellowship, an Ingram Merrill Foundation Award, a Pablo Neruda Presidential Medal of Honor, the Prix de Rome, and an Academy of Arts and Letters Award. In 2008, he was elected a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets.Edward Hirsch¹s first collection of poems, For the Sleepwalkers (1981), received the Delmore Schwartz Memorial Award from New York University and the Lavan Younger Poets Award from the Academy of American Poets. His second collection, Wild Gratitude (1986), won the National Book Critics Award. Since then, he has published five additional books of poems:The Night Parade (1989), Earthly Measures (1994), On Love (1998), Lay Back the Darkness (2003),and Special Orders (2008). In March 2010, Knopf will release The Living Fire: New and Selected Poems, which brings together thirty-five years of poems. Hirsch is also the author of four prose books, including Poet¹s Choice (2006), which consists of his popular columns from the Washington Post Book World, and How to Read a Poem and Fall in Love with Poetry (1999), a national bestseller, which the poet Garrett Hongo called ³the product of a lifetime of passionate reflection² and ³a wonderful book for laureate and layman both.² He is the editor of Theodore Roethke¹s Selected Poems (2005) and the coeditor of The Making of a Sonnet: A Norton Anthology (2008). He also edits the series ³The Writer¹s World² (Trinity University Press). Edward Hirsch taught for six years in the English Department at Wayne State University and seventeen years in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston. He is now the president of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and lives in New York City.
Sunday March 21, 2 PM Brian Tracy, Gail Wronsky & Michelle Biting Free Reception, Books For Sale $5/10 suggested donation 800 S Plymouth Blvd LA CA 90005 at the corner of Plymouth & 8th One Block from Wilshire & Crenshaw Elena Karina Byrne 310-936-7484 Find us on Facebook and in Poetry Flash!