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Woman Made Request

A Call to Arms!

We, as poets, have benefitted from the presence of this amazing organization. We are now asking that you give something back.

Please consider making a donation today to ensure that Woman Made Gallery can continue to provide the cutting-edge programming their supporters have come to expect. The Gallery is experiencing significant reductions in funding from a range of different funding sources, including a 50% reduction in grant support from the Illinois Arts Council and a 50% decrease in support from their largest single donor. Moving toward their 18th year in 2010, it is evident that the need for Woman Made Gallery is stronger than ever. Although 50% of this nation's artists are women, even today, female representation in most museums and galleries is less than 20%.

Please support their work to exhibit art by women and to educate the public about women's artistic contributions by giving a tax-deductible donation to Woman Made Gallery today. If you can offer anything, please let them know you are a poet or a fan of poetry.

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