Indie press night at Danny's!

Kathleen Rooney is reading as the Switchback Books representative for the Danny's Reading Series indie press night, also featuring Adam Clay, Steve Halle, Mary Hamilton, Kristen Orser, and Patrick Durgin with Hannah Weiner from Cinematheque Press, Cracked Slab Books, Featherproof Books, Dancing Girl Press, and Kenning Editions. Wednesday, August 26, 7:30 p.m. Danny's Tavern 1951 W. Dickens (Damen/Dickens) From series curators Joel Craig & Chris Glomski: Eight years in. It’s hard to believe. While we spend a lot of our time hosting poets and writers from elsewhere, as we venture into our ninth season, we thought it appropriate to turn our eye on our hometown. We’d like to celebrate the work of a selection (there are so many more!) of Chicago indie presses and their authors. Diverse in publishing vision, ideals, and execution—all committed to defining quality for themselves, the imagination, to the vast work on the part of the author to bring it to life, and to the vastly detailed work of bringing it to our hands and eyes—we salute and celebrate the necessary parts all of them play in bringing Chicago to life and the world to light. And, as always, celebrating the audience that gives us life and is our light.