Call for Papers: Feminism in the 21st Century: Framing the discussion on feminisms of the emerging F
Deadline: April 30, 2009 Description of Project: New York based writer editing an anthology on 21st century feminism and sexual politics. Fourth Wave Feminism emerges and brings with it a discussion of sex, power, desire, and identity. Gone are the days of grassroots feminism, where women organized over matters of law. Today’s feminism includes a discussion of pubic hair grooming. Note: one discussion, or generation’s work for that matter, is not inherently more important than the other. But a shift has occurred in the way we think about feminism, and what we have to say about it. This anthology explores the entanglement of sex and feminism in the 21st century, and argues that today’s concerns are just as deeply felt as the feminisms of yesteryear. The book will examine the role of sexuality in our culture as a whole – and why sexuality is decidedly feminine. What influence has this had on today’s feminisms? The anthology will challenge readers to think critically about this question. The book will frame issues of sex and their impact on women and feminism in a thoughtful, intelligent way, resisting sound bytes and oversimplifications in what is an admittedly salacious topic of social investigation. Editor is looking for essays that speak to today’s feminism and the intersection of sex. Also included will be reflections by Second Wave Feminist writers. Paper topics are not limited to but may include: • Sex-positive Feminism • Is the Feminine Mystique Relevant Today? • Sex work • Pornography Debate • Reproductive Rights • The 21st Century Bride • Vaginoplasty & Cosmetic Surgery • Body Image • Gender Identity • Pop Culture & Female Sexuality • Tabloid Narratives of Women’s Lives • Women, Politics, the Media, & Sex • Personal Essays that touch on any of the above topics • Notions of Fourth Wave Feminism Special notes: The desired tone is accessible academic. As noted above, personal accounts in any form – interview, diary entries, email exchanges, creative expression – are also of interest. Essays must encourage readers to think critically. For more information, contact the editor: Jill Di Donato, jilldidonato[at]gmail[dot]com