Submit to Elephant!
Elephant Zine is now accepting submissions for Volume 3: Immigrants. Send us any poetry, flash fiction, or artwork (1 page or less please; artwork should be about 5 by 8, or half of a regular 5 by 11 page) relating to the question: "where are you from?" You can talk about your ancestry, your hometown, or your alien reptilian forebearers. Please include a brief (3 lines or so) bio and contact information. All submissions should be sent via e-mail to by November 1st. Elephant is a Chicago-based poetry zine dedicated to publishing a variety of styles and voices. We believe in uniting poets across genres, poetry for the people, respecting differences in style & aesthetics, & fostering community between poets. A pre-release party for Elephantz V2: the Notebook will be held on September 6th at the Red Floors Gallery in Pilsen. There will be music on the roof, poetry readings, film showings, and art on display. Check out our blog: for more info. The party will function as a benefit for the issue, which will be released September 20th. Anyone is invited to come and read poetry!