Printers' Ball & Upcoming Readings
The Printers' Ball is almost upon us, and several local readings will usher it in. The Ballitself takes place on Friday, July 20, at 8:00 pm at: Zhou B. Art Center 1029 West 35th Street, Chicago You can get there by car, train, or bus: Free Parking | Red Line to Sox-35th | Halsted Bus
Upcoming Readings:
Sunday, July 8, 6pm. Brandi Homan and others @ Red Rover: Experiment #13, Not just Another Chicago Magazine release party, HotHouse, 31 East Balbo Avenue, $10 (Includes an issue of ACM #47, "ACM is DEAD")
Wednesday, July 11, 7:30pm. Cathy Park Hong, John Beer, Arda Collins, and Julia Story @ The Danny's Reading Series Featuring MoonLit & The Canary, Danny's, 1951 West Dickens
Sunday, July 15, 7pm. Brandi Homan, Becca Klaver, Mark Tardi, and Daniel Borzutsky @ Myopic Poetry Series,Myopic Books, 1564 North Milwaukee Avenue
Wednesday, July 18, 8pm. Suzanne Frischkorn and Shlomit Baytelman @ Palabra Pura Series, The California Clipper, 1002 North California Avenue